Teller Report

Mary's nose was destroyed by the plastic surgeon - now she gets the IVO right

12/10/2019, 8:01:29 PM

- It's great that the surgeon has gone there. I do not want more people injured, says Maria, to SVT News. She is one of many seriously injured by a plastic surgeon, who is now criticized by the IVO, the Inspection for Health and Care.

Maria just wanted a finer, slightly rounder nose tip. But the operation at the Nackakliniken, outside Stockholm, was a disaster.

Today, she has a very hard time breathing and her voice is constantly hoarse because her mouth must always be open for her to get enough air.

Running leashes

The lack of oxygen makes her extremely exhausted and Maria suffers from the fact that there is always a lash on her face.

"The operation has ruined my life," says Maria, who is really called something else.

Maria reported the plastic surgeon to the IVO, the Inspection for Health and Care. After just over a year's wait, the message finally arrived.

The authority now states that the surgeon has failed in her treatment of Mary and another patient.

- I am very happy, it is great that he has gone there. This means that other patients are warned against him. I don't want more people to be harmed by him.

Some patients have nasal breathing holes as small as rice grains. Photo: SVT

The surgeon has prioritized a good looking nose

According to IVO, the extent of the transformation of Mary's nose has been too great. The surgeon has unacceptably prioritized the aesthetic result before the operation. The authority also notes that the surgeon has not performed the surgery in accordance with science and proven experience.

IVO is now moving on with some 40 cases and a greater oversight of the surgeon's professional practice. In total, at least 56 people have reported the plastic surgeon for failed nose surgery.

What do you think when you hear that so many people have been affected?

- I got a shock when I realized there were so many. I do not believe that the authorities have not detected and stopped him before.

Maria wants to warn others about surgery

Now she wants to warn others who are thinking of operating beauty.

- Read about the clinic you go to. I didn't do it even though I thought he was a bit frothy when I first met him. I should have done more research and trusted my gut feeling, says Maria.

SVT News has sought the criticized surgeon and IVO for a comment.