Teller Report

Lavrov spoke about the defiant behavior of Paul Whelan

12/10/2019, 7:31:17 PM

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during a press conference with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke about the defiant behavior of the arrested in Moscow on charges of spying on American Paul Whelan.

The Russian minister said that doctors regularly examined Whelan, in addition, he was offered an operation, which he refused.

“There is a lot of talk about the health of Paul Whelan, we take this matter very seriously ... He complained about an inguinal hernia, he was offered surgery, he refused,” Lavrov said.

However, he noted that Whelan is defiant and threatening employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN).

“Paul Whelan — perhaps the tactic chosen by his lawyers — is defiant. He ... threatens to drill their head (employees of the FSIN. - RT ) with a drill and makes many other arrogant statements. If the goal of these actions is to create an image of a martyr, it would be wrong and dishonest, ”said Lavrov.

Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry called Whelan a simulator.

In October, the Lefortovo Court of Moscow extended his arrest until the end of the year.

Paul Whelan was detained in December 2018 during an espionage campaign in Moscow.