Teller Report

France protests against pension reform on a Tuesday & quot; black & quot; in the transport

12/10/2019, 8:25:06 AM

The main French trade union organizations have urged the French to demonstrate on Tuesday once again in the streets against pension reform on a Tuesday

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The main French trade union organizations have urged the French to demonstrate on Tuesday once again in the streets against the pension reform on a "black" Tuesday in transport , living its sixth day of stoppages in the railways and metropolitan transport .

The demonstration, convened by the CGT-FO-Solidaires-FSU unions, will begin in the capital at 13:30 local time at Vauban Square and will end at Denfert-Rochereau Square. The prefecture of Paris has forced merchants who are on the way to the demonstration to close their shops to avoid damage .

The unions say they will continue their protests in the streets until the government withdraws the reform, while the government is determined to carry it out.

Pension reform is "indispensable" for the country, said President Emmanuel Macron at the press conference he offered at the conclusion of the "Normandy" format summit, where leaders from Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France met at the Palace of the Elysium to discuss the steps to resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine,

Macron will meet on Tuesday at the Elysium with the ministers involved in pension reform, a day before Prime Minister Édouard Philippe presents the details of it to the French.

The pulse between unions and governments continues one more day in the street. No one is willing to give his arm to twist . This will be the second day of mass mobilizations against pension reform, following the success of the demonstration last Thursday: 800,000 protesters, according to the government, and a million and a half, according to the General Confederation of Labor (CGT).

Parisians, practically without subway and commuter transport for six days , will have to manage once again (on foot, by bicycle, by car, by electric scooter, by taxi or by VTC) to get to their jobs.

Ten of the 16 Paris metro lines will remain fully closed , four will operate only at peak hours and two, the driverless automatic lines will operate normally. Only 50% of the trams and buses of the capital will circulate . The pickets blocked the garages in Paris early in the morning to prevent the departure of buses.

The lack of public transport was felt on the roads surrounding the capital. At 8 in the morning there were 400 kilometers of traffic jams in Ile-de-France , the Paris region, although the traffic jams were smaller than Monday.

But the strike and the protests will not only feel the capital. Demonstrations are also planned in other French cities such as Grenoble, Lyon and Rouen .

As in previous days, rail traffic will be greatly affected by stoppages. Only one in five TGVs (high-speed trains) will circulate in France and there will also be fewer regional trains and international connections.

To the parents' relief, the strike in the education sector will be less intense this Tuesday than last Thursday. 12.5% ​​of teachers went on strike today, compared to half who did last Thursday. However, in Paris the number of strike teachers will reach 35 percent, according to data from the French Ministry of National Education . Many French parents must juggle these days to deal with the transport strike, the closure of public schools and arrive on time to their jobs.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • France
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