Teller Report

The Federation Council commented on the decision of WADA in Russia

12/9/2019, 10:55:11 AM

Andrei Klimov, deputy chairman of the Federation Council’s committee on international affairs, said that after the decision of the WADA executive committee, Russia should deal with Russian officials who are responsible for the anti-doping policy.

“I do not think that something more terrible is happening in our country in anti-doping policies than in other countries, that there are reasons for such tough decisions by WADA,” RIA Novosti quotes Klimova.

He noted that it is necessary to deal with those who are responsible for the anti-doping policy in Russia - and, "it turns out, he does not respond very well, since he creates the reasons for such WADA decisions."

Earlier, the WADA executive committee decided to remove Russia from participating in major international competitions for fraud with data from the Moscow laboratory.

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