Teller Report

The Russian Book Union called the proportion of active readers

12/5/2019, 8:55:48 AM

The share of active readers in Russia increased to 53-55%. This was stated by President of the Russian Book Union Sergey Stepashin.

According to him, the book market is growing for the third year - at a rate of 6-7% per year, while the consumption of illegal book content has been reduced, RIA Novosti reports.

“We at the state level defended the status of reading as a socially significant practice. The share of active readers has grown and stabilized at the level of 53-55%, ”he said.

As Stepashin noted, ten years ago this figure was at the level of 27-30%.

Earlier, a journalist from Germany, Dominic Kalus, in an article described his experience of staying in Russia and the distinguishing features of Russians.

One of the distinguishing features of the Russians, he called his love for the classics of Russian literature. As Kalus wrote, they “know and love their writers.”

A VTsIOM survey published in 2018 showed that more than 80% of Russia's residents read fiction.