Teller Report

The pending union regeneration

12/5/2019, 1:47:39 AM

The pilgrimage to Lledoners of the two main union leaders in Spain is the kind of nonsense that should never be normalized. Such a gesture contradicts all and c

The pilgrimage to Lledoners of the two main union leaders in Spain is the kind of nonsense that should never be normalized. Such a gesture contradicts each and every one of the functions for which a union was conceived in a democracy.

A union is supposed to ensure the rights of its affiliated workers, not the convenience of the parties to which it feels like. A union is supposed to be born to protect the weak, not to support the power strategy . It is assumed that the unity of the modern State is the guarantee of equality that allows the redistribution of wealth among the most disadvantaged of that State, but in Lledoners they serve political sentences sentenced for violating the laws that make all Spaniards equal. A trade unionist is supposed to fight for the labor rights of people , not for the alleged historical rights of the territories. It is assumed that two large trade union centers such as UGT and CCOO must negotiate labor improvements with the employer and the minister of the branch, not acting as a dump for Podemos and PSOE for an investiture. It is assumed that the week in which some lousy employment data and affiliations to Social Security are known , a union must raise its voice against precariousness and not give vassalage to unsupportive independence. And finally, it is assumed that prisons are to serve a penalty, not to remote control the future government of Spain with the unions in the role of plumber plumbers. Everything is wrong in the visit of Pepe Álvarez and Unai Sordo to the Lledoners prison to try to persuade Oriol Junqueras to become president of Pedro Sánchez and vice president of Pablo Iglesias . Overly bad. With these attitudes, nobody can be surprised by the serious crisis of representativeness that CCOO and UGT are going through, threatened with extinction by a work reality that they neither want nor know how to adapt.

But the worst is not the begging visit to Lledoners. The worst thing is that it coincided with the order of the judge of Instruction number 9 of Seville that agrees to continue the case opened against the former secretary general of UGT-A, Francisco Fernández Sevilla , and another 14 people for alleged crimes of subsidy fraud and falsehood in commercial document. According to the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia, the overall calculation of the defrauded amounts amounts to 40.7 million. But the suspicion of corruption in UGT reaches Susana Díaz's same husband , José María Moriche , who, as published by EL MUNDO, collected two million-dollar subsidies from the Junta to the Andalusian federation of UGT. The judge believes that these funds were used to finance the union and not for training actions for employment. It would be better for the unions to deal with their regeneration rather than as a pimp between Moncloa and seditious separatism.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • UGT
  • CCOO
  • Spain
  • Susana Díaz
  • Social Security
  • We can
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • PSOE
  • Oriol Junqueras
  • Corruption
  • job
  • Editorial
  • Opinion

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