Teller Report

Stina Wollter and Anders Hansen among this year's winter speakers

12/5/2019, 12:22:54 PM

When the listeners again choose their favorites as winter hosts in P1, many familiar faces are found. The writer Fredrik Lindström starts on Christmas Day closely followed by the artist and radio profile Stina Wollter. Program manager Petra Mede ties the sack on New Year's Eve and environmental professor Johan Rockström talks into the new year on January 1. But anyone who is impatient can listen to every episode already on Christmas Day morning.

On Thursday, Swedish Radio presents this year's winter hosts in P1. One news is that all episodes are available as podcasts with abbreviated music already on Christmas Day, except for Petra Medes live broadcast on New Year's Eve.

- This year's edition of Winter in P1 is like a whole Summer season in mini format. The programs will entertain, inform and touch, says program manager Bibi Rödöö.

Several of the winter hosts participated in Summer in P1 this summer. Anders Hansen's summer talk about how our brains work set listener records. Stina Wollter's summer talk about the relationship with a cancer-sick 8-year-old girl grabbed hold of many. Listeners' summer favorites Madeleine In Hwa Björk and CEO Caroline Farberger spin on their stories of adoption and gender correction.

Rockström starts the new year

The writer and comedian Fredrik Lindström has done several summer talks and the actor Olof Wretling is now in his seventh Winter in P1. The program director and comedian Petra Mede ends the year on New Year's Eve and environmental professor Johan Rockström symbolically begins the year 2020 which he calls "the year of truth". The last time Rockström talked in the summer of 2015, he was optimistic about the future.

Winter in P1 was broadcast for the first time 10 years after Summer in P1 started on June 13, 1959, at the initiative of Tage Danielsson. The reason was that they wanted to meet the competition from television which in December 1969 started TV2, which attracted many popular radio profiles.