Teller Report

Ronaldo is not a competitor

12/5/2019, 10:49:48 AM

welcome. December has come to us if you have not noticed; on your right is the battle that everyone loses to, even the winners, and on your left stands the elevators who design it does not concern them, even though the balloon Dour party moves the sand down their feet as well, no matter how much they assert that they They don't care, they'll care in the end, simply because you need a standard degree of impartiality to ignore an event of this magnitude, a non-human degree of impartiality.

One of them has returned to his home with spoils, all the spoils in this case, and the sensations controlling the atmosphere vary between injustice, joy, hatred and elation, and this is understandable because the booty is all that matters in the war, and the booty is all that matters in the war because the war itself is not important; We do not know how to win and how to win, and why, and we do not know the reason for its foundation, in fact we are not sure whether it was a war at all, even war has measurable standards. (1) (2)

📸 - Quick reminder that there is a certain Hafiz Marikar in this world who has a vote in the most prestigious individual award in the history of football.

- 𝐀𝐅𝐂 𝐀𝐉𝐀𝐗 💎 (@TheEuropeanLad) December 3, 2019

The irony is that the balloon's role, though absurd, is a philosophical event, because it leads you to question the origins of things; the prize in its origin is nothing more than a representation of the concept of winning, an expression of your preference over the rest, of the world recognizing your right. The prize expresses all this for granted, but it will not and will not be proof of its existence if it is absent. It will mean nothing if large segments of the rest are not concerned for those who deserve it.

So why do we do it? Because we believe that there will be a time in the future where all those doubts, accusations and conspiracies disappear and the deaf information remains in the history records to confirm that one of them has more of the rest, and then will not matter anything else. Every December, one of the spoils returns to his home, and his fans are enraged by reminding them that there will be a time when their words will be forgotten and history will not be on their side. The only problem in this wonderful time is that we are often not going to be there to live it, but we are smart enough to spend our present time preparing for it.

Whips of truth

Vergil van Dyke (Getty Images)

This year Van Dyck decided to give us the only thing that might be better than the balloon war of absurdity; another war with the first, last, and clear parties, not including journalists who consider Arnold the best player in the world, and therefore a war that everyone can engage without seeming silly, And most importantly, we know its causes, and most importantly, that Katia Aveiro knows its causes. (3) (4)

Asked about Ronaldo who was absent from the concert, Van Dyke wondered whether the Portuguese was already a candidate, and after the investigation of Ronaldo's mother, Mrs. Maria Dolores dos Santos Aveiro, the reasons for the loss of her son last year award, which resulted in the involvement of the Mafia and pirates in the crime, which did not appear Persuasive for some of the surprise followers, his sister, Katia Aveiro, has decided that the reason behind Van Dyck's remarks is that he is suffering from an intractable state of burning, because the Don managed to beat him in the two most important games of the past year; the UEFA Champions League final and the Champions League final.

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Acho que há pessoas a viver completamente frustradas !!! E fora da realidade ... A tal humildade! Repórter: "Cristiano Ronaldo não estará cá esta noite. É menos um rival a ter em conta." Van Dijk: "É Cristiano Ronaldo realmente um rival?" Foi esta a resposta do central holandês do Liverpool, quando confrontado sobre a ausência do astro português da gala desta noite. É certo e sabido que Ronaldo não ganhará o prémio desta noite. Apesar de ter vencido importantes títulos colectivos ... mas isso é outra conversa e que lá na frente iremos ver onde vai chegar a verdade sobre o futebol !!! Agora, caro Virgil, para onde tu vais, Cristiano Ronaldo já foi e já veio mil vezes. Vê lá bem, meu caro Virgil, que o Cristiano Ronaldo foi tri-campeão no país onde tu já jogas há anos e ainda não conseguiste meter a mão na "lata". O Cristiano Ronaldo até foi o melhor jogador e melhor marcador no país onde jogas Virgil. Por sinal, era até bem mais jovem que tu. Depois, caro Virgil, o Cristiano Ronaldo foi para outras paragens e tornou-se no maior jogador da história de um clubezito. Real Madrid, diz-te algo Virgil? É possível que sim, porque esse clube, com esse tal Cristiano até te derrotaram na final de uma tal de Champions League. Dessas, já o Ronaldo tem 5, Virgil. E esse tal Ronaldo e companheiros, com as quinas ao peito, esmagaram a tua "laranja" numa final. Foi duro, Virgil? Temos pena. E, caro Virgil, numa das épocas menos conseguidas da sua carreira, o Cristiano Ronaldo ainda venceu mais títulos que tu. Impressionante, não é? Agora, Virgil, vai vencer títulos daqueles que realmente contam e depois falamos. Quando tiveres uma mão cheia deles, dos realmente importantes, talvez te possas sentar à mesa com o Cristiano. Ou como se diz na nossa terra, cresce e aparece! E para mim @cristiano és e serás para semper o melhor jogador do mundo !!! E quem não gosta que ponha na roda do prato !!! 😂❤️❤️❤️ (como se diz na nossa terra, pequenina para muitos) mas de onde saiu o melhor de todos os tempos ... # assinoembaixoluisfaria # cr7n1 #Eotrabalhocontinua # respostastánahistoria #orgulhodomeurei #Deusnocomando

A post shared by Katia Aveiro (@katiaaveirooficial) onDec 2, 2019 at 3:00 pm PST

It is true that the Champions League final was the year before, and it is true that they did not often watch these two games, otherwise I would not have cited them, but you have to admit that they are lashes that meet the standards of social media platforms. This war outperforms the balloon racing role sweeping, even in the quality of the skin. The only problem here is that what Katia Aveiro seems to be a publication may be written by Ronaldo himself, but in spite of the significance of this paradox, it is not so important, simply because even if you are one of the biggest prejudices of the son of Madeira you know that this is his opinion even if not declared .

This is a man who is obsessively obsessed with himself, who will never see anyone in his own place, no matter what the reality, and he will not believe that there is anyone who is worthy of the prize, whatever his performance. Perhaps this is why he has succeeded over the past years, and may not be wrong with all this in your view, but what we are concerned here is that he is completely unable to doubt himself and review it, whatever the situation, no matter whether the goalscorer or if he was the most contributing to the success of his team Or if none of it is the best and it will still be the best because it is, and it doesn't need any other reasons. A typical example of narcissism as described by psychiatry books. (5)

Don is serious

REUTERS / Cristiano Ronaldo

By the way, this is not a cunning attempt to evade Van Dijk, for the very simple reason that we will tell you clearly, directly and unequivocally that what the Dutchman said is 100% true. Ronaldo was not a logical contender for the balloon's role this year.

You will tell us that many of the previous candidates were not logical rivals for the prize, will remind us of last year's prize scandal, talk about other candidates who deserved to join the list, tell us that the criteria for the prize does not exist, that Katia Aveiro has learned more about football than some voters, The history of Ronaldo may be equivalent to 8 or 9 from Van Dyke or even a million, and we will agree with you often, but it will not change the fact that Ronaldo was not the best player in the world in 2019.

football mafia? ronaldo can't even compete with the old man fabio quagliarella.

- Dimas IP (@dimasip) December 3, 2019

More importantly, the only logic that clearly acknowledges that Ronaldo did not deserve to reach the final list, let alone to win the prize, is the logic of Ronaldo himself, which confirms that he was not the best player in the Serie A even if he was awarded the best player in the Serie A, but in a number of The season is not even his best, and the appreciation he thinks he deserves because he is doing what he is doing at this age will force us to consider the 36-year-old Quagliarella as a better striker than last season, not only because he scored more goals and fewer kicks. Penalty, but also because it was more influential in the Net His team thrived during the season.

In fact, if we extend the line upright and decide to enforce Cristiano's law in its entirety, the situation will produce a fair number of strange paradoxes, and the strangest of them will take us to the last person you can expect in this context, Karim Benzema. The man who since Cristiano left Madrid scored 44 goals against 35 for Ronaldo, made 17 others for 12 for Ronaldo.He only paid 5 penalties for 9 for Ronaldo.He contributed a goal with the Merengue every 96 minutes to 107 for Ronaldo, and even won more for his team. With more administrative and technical volatility and more intense competition than Juventus in Italy. (6) (7)

Half the truth

Dyke was 100% right, but that's only half the truth. The other half is that you can be right and mean at the same time, and that the Dutch should not have made such a statement, even if it was explained by his desire to joke later. (8) This is the moment when talking about the history of Ronaldo really makes sense, if he does not qualify him to run for this year's award, it is certainly more than enough to avoid ridicule at the time. In fact, forget what we have just said, because history does not need to enter the line at any moment, whether we are talking about Ronaldo or any other player, and even if Ronaldo has just started playing the ball, this does not justify Van Dyck's statement.

Van Dyck was 100% correct, but how many facts are not said publicly for understandable reasons that need no explanation. Was Zlatan right when Pace told St Etienne defender that he did not know him? Perhaps, we didn't even know it until this incident happened. Was Zlatan mean? Absolutely, no doubt about it. Would Messi be right to describe Pele's statements as dementia? Often, but it will be despicable as well. Would Niko Kovac be right if he said his team had torn Tottenham apart and that they should thank God for having received only seven goals? This is the reality of the game as it actually happened, but this does not negate and miss the permit if issued. (9) (10)

Even the truth can sometimes have decadent motives; if it were Pochettino who told his players that Bayern tore them apart, they would probably accept it, perhaps because they knew that he was angry like them or that he was pushing them to improve. Van Dyck's remarks were nothing but a desire to undermine Ronaldo. She will not win Van Dyke's balloon role or make him a better player. The world will become a very ugly place if we declare everything we see true regardless of any other considerations, we may sometimes forget this in the midst of similar media wars, because all parties are devoted to inventing incendiary statements to insult each other, but no matter how successful they do it hurts as truth .

The worst paradox at all here is that everyone is entitled to use this logic in criticizing Van Dyck except the victim; Ronaldo himself. In a perfect world, Van Dyck's statement will remain a black dot forever. In the same world, the only one who cannot blame him will be the man who used this logic more and founded it in his own battles. "If he had said his opinion of Messi getting the same Golden Ball now in dispute, or that the Icelandic celebration of a draw with his country indicates their" small mindset, "he would not be ashamed to confirm to the media that the only reason for the defeat of the four Atleti is that" the other players were not in Its level itself, "and dozens of similar statements that need volumes to confine it to . The worst paradox of all is that the only world in which Van Dyck's statements become appropriate and ordinary is Ronaldo's own. (11) (12) (13)