Teller Report

Lyon governor praises deep ties with Dubai

12/5/2019, 9:28:53 AM

The governor of the French city of Lyon, Gerard Lokom, praised the strong and deep bilateral relations between Dubai and Lyon, especially on the commercial, industrial and cultural aspects.

The governor of the French city of Lyon, Gerard Lecome, praised the strong and deep bilateral relations between the cities of Dubai and Lyon, especially on the commercial, industrial and cultural aspects.

"Dubai has made great strides in a short time to illuminate its architectural symbols, led by Burj Khalifa, which dazzles the world every new year and every occasion with spectacular performances," Lukom said in a statement to the UAE today. .

"I remember we had a role in providing advice and expertise by sending technicians to help make this important event a success in Dubai by sharing with our officials the experience of lighting up Lyon 's historic landmarks."

"Our experience is not comparable to that of Dubai today, because our scope of work in this area is smaller than that of Dubai," he said. “I had the opportunity to visit Dubai and saw the dazzling preparations for the Dubai Expo 2020, a major international exhibition that the world is waiting for every five years, which will be a huge and special event this time because Dubai will embrace it and succeed in attracting the whole world to visit and enjoy Expo. Spend quality time in this beautiful city. "

He stressed that Dubai will be the heart of the world during the upcoming event, especially because of its strategic location linking east to west and north to south, saying: "We will make sure to be there with you.