Teller Report

Ibrahim Maalouf: "The trumpet is a very physically demanding instrument"

12/5/2019, 4:52:54 PM

In & quot; The Wild Team & quot; on Europe 1, the trumpet player explains the physical consequences of playing such an instrument. & nbsp; Ibrahim Maalouf in practice since the age of seven and he exploded in the eyes of the general public in 2014 with his album & quot; & quot ;. Illusions

In "L'Equipée sauvage" on Europe 1, the trumpet player explains the physical consequences of playing such an instrument. Ibrahim Maalouf has been practicing since the age of seven and he exploded in the eyes of the general public in 2014 with his album "Illusions".


Thirteen albums, a little more than sixty collaborations and several soundtracks of films, Ibrahim Maalouf already has an important discography, at only 39 years old. The French-Lebanese has played the trumpet since the age of seven. An instrument that he learned to handle over time, whereas the musician did not like it at first. In L'Equipée sauvage on Europe 1, he tells how difficult it is to play the trumpet on a physical level.

"My lips are damaged: I have scars, bruises"

"It's a special instrument because it is very physically demanding," says Ibrahim Maalouf. Already, in a previous interview on Europe 1, the artist had explained that the learning of the instrument was difficult when beginning. But with years of practice, one thing does not change: the consequences on the physical. "My lips are damaged: I have scars, bruises", describes the musician at the microphone of Europe 1.

But above all, Ibrahim Maalouf relates the impact on the breath. "When you do two hours of concert where you do hyperventilation, apnea and at no time you do not breathe normally, when you go out together, you're not good," he says. . And that goes even further. "There are a lot of trumpet players who have developed cardiac arrhythmias," says the author of If You Wanna Be a Woman . He himself has already had "two to three troubles on stage" since the beginning of his career.