Teller Report

Breaking a record .. A dog gives birth "naturally" 21 puppies

12/5/2019, 2:50:34 PM

A British dog is about to set a new world record for the number of dogs born as twins, after her normal birth to 21 dogs at once.

A British dog is about to set a new world record for the number of dogs born as twins, after the normal birth of 21 dogs at once.

Veterinarians told Joan Hein when she found out that her dog was about to give birth, that her pet was likely to give birth to between six and eight dogs.

The bitch MG gave birth to 21 puppies on Nov. 20, just three times less than the Guinness Book of World Records in 2004 for the largest number of dogs born at once. A dog from Cambridgeshire is also kept in Britain. Called Tia.

But unlike Tia, who required a "caesarean section" to deliver the 24 puppies, 20 of whom survived, MG litters were born naturally which could mean they had already broken a new record.

Veterinary experts say there is a high probability that the number of puppies in the next birth of MG will be higher.