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UEFA president, against the "disaster" from the VAR: "It can't be that a nose causes an offside"

12/4/2019, 2:17:04 PM

The most powerful man in European football believes that the VAR is a "disaster", though "unfortunately" he no longer has "backwards". Aleksander Ceferin, UEFA president, criticized

The most powerful man in European football believes that the VAR is a "disaster", although "unfortunately" he no longer has a "turn back". Aleksander Ceferin, UEFA president, strongly criticized a video-arbitration system during an interview with the British newspaper The Mirror . "It cannot be that a player with a long nose runs the risk of being out of play," he said of the very small margin that is now used to indicate the forward position.

"One or two centimeters may not be enough to signal offside," said Ceferin, who proposes a tolerance of "10-20 centimeters" for those actions reviewed on the monitor. "We will propose changes to the International Board," said the Slovenian leader, also outraged by disputes over hands in the areas.

"Two weeks ago we met with Klopp, Guardiola, Allegri, Ancelotti or Zidane, some of the best coaches in the world. Roberto Rosetti, our arbitration manager showed them one of these hand actions and asked if they thought it was a penalty. Half answered yes and the other, no, "said Michel Platini's successor.

"I don't like the result"

That was not the only time the former Italian referee emerged during the interview with The Mirror . "He told us that the mistakes must be clear and obvious, so there are not many VAR interventions in UEFA competitions," Ceferin said, not to mention that this system has not even been approved for the Europa League.

"I was very skeptical and I can say that I don't like the result," said the former 56-year-old lawyer, very frustrated by the confusion that the VAR seems to have generated in millions of European fans.

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