Teller Report

The host of the RT stream told how he tried to ask questions to the director of FBK and the press secretary of Navalny

12/4/2019, 6:40:59 PM

Mitya Leontyev, the host of the RT “Beautiful Russia boo boo boo” stream, told how he traveled to the Moscow City Duma to try to ask questions to FBK Director Ivan Zhdanov and Alexei Navalny's press secretary Kira Yarmysh.

“I went to Mr. Zhdanov and began to ask questions. At least he did not turn his back on me and somehow we communicated with him. I told him: "Come live." He says: “I will not come, you - RT - the garbage media,” said Leontiev.

According to him, going up to Yarmysh, he told her that he couldn’t reach her for a month.

"She tells me:" And who are you? " I say: "I am Dmitry with RT." She: "I do not believe them." I pull out my press card, show it, it rotates half-turn, as if it doesn’t see me, ”he said.

Also during the stream, Leontyev and ex-FBK lawyer Vitaly Serukanov tried to get through to Yarmysh, but to no avail.

* The Anti-Corruption Fund is included in the register of NGOs performing the functions of a foreign agent, by decision of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of 09.10.2019.