Teller Report

Idéhn gives soothing message about the damage: "A thigh only"

12/4/2019, 6:17:10 AM

Goalkeeper Filippa Idéhn had to be replaced and wound his thigh during yesterday's win match against Japan. The next day she gives soothing message. - It's a little stiff but just pain, nothing dangerous, she tells SVT Sport.

It was in the second half, when Sweden suffered great, that she got hurt.

- I sat down or landed a bit strange in a slide, which I did also against China in the last match and managed to land in the same place yesterday. So it's a thigh cake only, though I caused it myself unfortunately.

Can you stand against Argentina tomorrow?

"Absolutely, it just hurts and I've had it before," she says, smiling.

With Johanna Bundsen pregnant, Filippa Idéhn is pronounced the first goalkeeper and injury to her would place a great responsibility on World Cup debutant Martina Thörn. However, it may be relevant to rest Idéhn from the start against Argentina, a match Sweden should win clearly.

"We could do that, but haven't discussed it yet," says federal captain Henrik Signell. We haven't taken the team out yet but I expect she (Idéhn) is available.

Yesterday: Melissa Petrén shone in the World Cup victory against Japan

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Melissa Petrén and Linn Blohm cheer during the match against Japan. Photo: Photo Agency