Teller Report

Motala won over Broberg after drama

12/3/2019, 8:34:53 PM

Motala defeated Broberg by 3-2. It was after great drama when the away team pressed in the end.

Motala took its third straight victory in the elite series when Broberg was defeated 3-2. At the end, away team Broberg pressed on when Motala had three players expelled. Despite great pressure, the home team was able to hold out and win.
- They pushed us last minute there, but we managed to keep away. It's really nice, ”Motala's Viktor Hulthammar tells Bandyplay.

Climbs in the table

It was still the away team that started the best and took the lead after six minutes played by Martin Söderberg. Motala acknowledged three minutes later by Philip Florén, and just before the break, Motala took the lead to 2-1 after goals by Albin Rohlén. Directly in the second period, however, Broberg's Erik Jonsson equalized 2–2. But with 20 minutes left, Viktor Hulthammar set the decisive 3-2 goal.
- I didn't really hit the shot, but could smash the return. Really nice, says Viktor Hulthammar.

With the victory, Motala rises to fifth place in the table as they passed Sirius.