Teller Report

Why & apos; swallow it & apos; everything can be bad for your health

12/1/2019, 1:07:57 AM

Anger, like all basic emotions, has a positive function, encourages action and defense in situations where physical integrity can be damaged, ps

Anger, like all basic emotions, has a positive function, it drives you to take action and defend yourself in situations where physical, psychic or self-image integrity can be damaged. Raquel used how tired she was of agoraphobia that prevented her from leaving home to defy her fear and, supported by her anger, she could go outside.

Andrés was unmotivated in his work because every day he silently faced a toxic companion who, sitting in front of him, controlled each of his movements. its 'enough now!' He used it to gain strength and overcome the fear of the tyrant's response.

Itziar transformed his anger at her husband's deception into spur to take care of himself more than ever and set course for his dream: his own business!

Surely while reading these lines, an episode comes to mind where you get angry and face an issue was the only way to redirect the situation.

Getting angry is good ... sometimes

In a fairly eloquent study, Mario Mikulincer, from the Bar Ilán University in Israel, presented some puzzles to some subjects, but none of them managed to finish them, something logical since they had no solution! What the researcher wanted was to study people's response to frustration.

Some were disappointed and dejected by not solving the task while others were upset and angry . Later he asked the same subjects to solve other puzzles (these did have a solution). He could see that those who had an angry response persisted more when trying to solve them and got to get it while those who had been saddened surrendered before .

This experiment demonstrates that anger - moderated and directed towards the achievement of an objective that resists us - can become a powerful motivator: studies with brain scans were able to observe that when anger increases activity in the orbitofrontal cortex, a region of the Brain related to goal-oriented behavior.

It is clear that misdirected anger can turn into aggressiveness, violence and destruction, in addition, it is an unpleasant emotion that is difficult to manage in oneself and insufferable to endure when the frustration and bad vibes of others come upon us. In spite of this, it is not necessary to disregard its transformative potential directed to put limits before a situation that we do not like so much external as internal. The difference with losing the papers is that in that case the negative anger takes hold of us while in its instrumental and positive version we take advantage of it for our benefit , as long as these conditions exist:

1. That anger occurs at something present about what can be done.

2. That it is proposed in a justified and proportional way.

3. That we be clear with the red lines that we will not cross.

4 . That is expressed to find solutions.

5. That it remains within the limits of mutual respect.


In addition to protecting yourself and helping you set limits to a threat of physical and psychological abuse or providing you with a great deal of energy to overcome obstacles and setbacks on the way to a goal, anger is also useful for fighting against a situation of injustice and correcting the behavior of the other.

It also favors creativity because it helps to look for new plans as a reaction to frustration and boredom. It makes us more aware of what is important to us and helps to make decisions when it is no longer possible to "play dumb" in a situation we do not like to connect with the possibility of changing it.

It is one of the emotions that appear in the duel , because, paradoxically, it means that the person begins to accept the loss and rebel against the painful situation .

Finally, it helps to grow : since the age of six, babies begin to become enraged, their anger aims to encourage the child to reach a goal (his toy, his candy, etc.) in this way he challenges himself to See how far you can go. It is up to the parents to channel it.

With all that said, it might seem that I am doing an apology for free anger, to destroy what we have in front of or the pleasure of enjoying the adrenaline that flows through us with the familiar sensation of power to make it clear who is one.

Getting angry does not necessarily mean suspending reflection . Quite the contrary, an efficient anger helps to be more aware of oneself and one's needs. Subsequently, we must make the decision of what to do with all this energy and transform it into appropriate strategies. For that, our brain is of great help because its prefronthral zone - the one that processes the information - is a great "situation simulator" to solve first in virtual, assessing the consequences, which will later become reality.

As always in the balance is virtue, Aristotle reminds us when he said in his 'Nicomachean Ethics': "Anyone can get angry, that's very easy. But get angry with the right person, to the exact extent, at the right time, with the right purpose and in the right way, that certainly is not so easy. "

Isabel Serrano-Rosa is a psychologist and director of EnPositivoSí.

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