Teller Report

New proposal: Abortion teams in Ohio are forcing doctors to do the impossible

12/1/2019, 4:13:46 PM

On Friday, a new bill was presented in Ohio that further limits the right to abortion and introduces a treatment that doctors say is impossible to perform - to operate an embryo from an extracurricular pregnancy into the uterus. "This is sci-fi fiction and a real scandal of science," says Helena Kopp Kallner, chief physician and researcher at KI.

In April of this year, one of the United States' toughest abortion laws was introduced in the state of Ohio. It meant that abortion was banned after the embryo's heart started beating, which usually happens around week five-six before many women know that they are pregnant.

Last Friday, another bill was presented by the Ohio House of Representatives, which bans abortion in almost every circumstance, reports several US media and even The Guardian. Among other things, treatment of extra-uterine pregnancy should be regarded as illegal abortion if the doctor does not try to re-implant the embryo in the woman's womb.

"We will end up in prison"

But this is something that medically savvy states is impossible, and the reactions have not been waiting. Doctor David N Hackney has written on Twitter:

"It is impossible. We will all end up in prison ”

Performing an illegal abortion should, according to the bill, be punishable by life imprisonment or the death penalty for both the woman and the doctor who performs it.

"It is extremely urine"

According to Helena Kopp Kallner, chief physician and researcher in gynecology and obstetrics at the Karolinska Institutet, many countries with harsh abortion legislation have chosen to keep apart treatment of extracurricular pregnancy and abortion. The fact that Ohio is now making this link in its bill is startling.

- It is extremely urine, and it will lead to women dying. Brazil, for example, has a ban on abortion, but outside pregnancy they do not count as abortion.

"No condition for life"

She agrees with the US doctors that the procedure is medically impossible.

- Pregnancy does not hang that way. The placenta has already grown into the tissues and once released, there is no prerequisite for life, she says.

What can happen if doctors are forced to perform the procedure?

- I don't even know if they have figured out how to do this, but it would be a much more complicated procedure. They would need to open the fallopian tube and remove the embryo and then open the uterus or push it through the vagina. I don't really know how it is going to be practical, but only that people come up with the idea is women's degrading.

Going against science

Helena Kopp Kallner believes that doctors will be forced to do something that goes against all science.

- These are people who do not think that they have to adapt without health care being based on religion rather than science. What we do in hospitals should be best for the individual and for society at large. This has good overpower.