Teller Report

Nearly 250 tourists from Russia expect departure from the island of China for more than a day

11/30/2019, 6:28:45 PM

Almost 250 tourists from Kazan can’t fly out of the Chinese island of Hainan for more than a day due to the delay of the aircraft, the press service of the international airport of the capital of Tatarstan reported.

“Over 245 passengers have been waiting for the plane for more than a day. The delay in their return is due to the late arrival of the aircraft ”, - quotes the representative of the airport TASS.

According to him, the arrival of the flight to Kazan is expected on Sunday, December 1, at about 11:00 Moscow time.

It is reported that tourists are expecting departure in the city of Sanya.

In August, over 200 Russian tourists could not fly out of Bulgaria for more than a day due to problems with Bulgaria Air planes.