Teller Report

In Bamako, the biennial of African photography celebrates 25 years

11/30/2019, 7:26:08 PM

In Bamako, the biennial of African photography celebrates 25 years

Bamako (AFP)

The Rencontres de Bamako, the African biennial of photography that celebrates its 25th birthday in 2019, opened Saturday in Bamako in the presence of the Malian president who presented photography as a "light" against "dark times".

"The photo is the light, and we must with great determination anchor ourselves in this time" while "some might make us believe that it is the opposite, that it is the time of the dark that we No, no, no! "said the Malian president at the opening ceremony.

Mali has been in a deep crisis for almost a decade: first confronted with pro-independence rebellions in the north, it is now facing jihadist groups that are swarming in the north and center of the country. A large part of Mali lives to the rhythm of attacks and violence.

Bamako, hit several times by attacks, remains a haven still stable and a capital focused on the arts, including photography. Since 1994 and every two years there are organized the Rencontres de Bamako, the most important photographic meeting of the African continent.

Only the 2013 edition had been canceled due to the crisis.

"In this enterprise of reconquest and reconstruction of the image of Africa, I do not know any work more powerful, more formidable than photography", insisted the tribune Minister of Culture N'Diaye Ramatoulaye Diallo.

"While the Sahel is in trouble, we must do this biennale, to go beyond certain clichés, (must bring) creativity, joy, happiness in the depth," said AFP Igo Diarra, director of the Meetings.

The biennial is for the first time organized only by Africans, the previous editions having been co-organized with the French Institute of Mali, now partner.

In addition to the exhibition of works, the event aims to give a "visibility" to young African artists, according to the Minister of Culture.

"I hope this will open doors for me," says Amadou Diadié Samassekou, a 35-year-old Malian photographer who is exhibiting for the first time in the IN selection of the Rencontres.

About 85 African and Diaspora artists will exhibit this year in various locations in the Malian capital. The biennale will end on January 31st.

© 2019 AFP