Teller Report

Antonov said the maximum concentration of lies about Russia in the US media

11/30/2019, 9:01:51 PM

Russian ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov noted the prevalence of negative and false information about what is happening in Russia in leading American media.

“We all know that the coverage of Russian topics in the American press is extremely tendentious. Probably, in a small capital of the world, more false information is removed from a square meter to Russia and its foreign policy than in Washington, ”RIA Novosti quoted him as saying at the Youth Forum in New York.

The Russian ambassador analyzed that of the 12.5 thousand materials published in the US press, 90% were negative and only 0.2% were positive.

“I would like to emphasize that there is no anti-Americanism in Russian politics. We are ready for constructive cooperation to the extent that the American side is ready for this, ”he stressed.

Antonov noted that the “one-sided approach” would not improve bilateral relations.

“All that we seek is a respectful attitude to our interests, an honest and equal dialogue,” the diplomat concluded.

Antonov previously called unprecedented Russophobia in the American media in recent years.