Teller Report

Developed treatment methods to create blood vessels by spraying cells on the heart surface Osaka Univ.

11/29/2019, 9:38:24 AM

A spray that sprays cells that can create new blood vessels on the surface of a heart that is weakened by illness.

Development of a treatment method to create blood vessels by blowing cells onto the heart surface November 29, 18:34, Osaka Univ.

Research groups such as Osaka University have developed a treatment that aims to restore the function of patients with severe heart disease by spraying cells that can create new blood vessels on the surface of the heart that has weakened due to the disease. Aiming to become a general treatment method, we will conduct a clinical trial to confirm safety and efficacy over two years.

Prof. Yoshiki Sawa and others from Osaka University held a press conference on the 29th to explain the newly developed treatment for heart disease.

As a result, patients with “severe heart failure” who have lost their muscle cells in the heart due to clogging of blood vessels, etc. are targeted for new treatment.

When these patients undergo surgery, they mix “mesenchymal stem cells” that create new blood vessels with special drugs and spray them onto the surface of the heart.

By spraying cells with cells, new blood vessels are created in areas where the blood flow of the heart has been lost, and in experiments using pigs, the function of the heart that pumps blood throughout the body has been improved.

The research group will conduct a clinical trial to confirm safety and efficacy over a period of two years with the aim of becoming a general treatment that is covered by health insurance.

Prof. Sawa said, “I want to spread it as a treatment that improves the outcome of treatment for people with low cardiac function.”