Teller Report

Ahmed Juma Al Zaabi: "Martyr's Day" is an expensive national occasion to uphold the values ​​of sacrifice, sacrifice and redemption

11/29/2019, 12:41:07 PM

Minister of the Supreme Council Affairs in the Ministry of Presidential Affairs Ahmed Juma Al Zaabi said that "Martyr's Day" is a precious national occasion aimed at upholding the values ​​of sacrifice, sacrifice and redemption, and honoring the heroes who have given lives and blood to live in dignity, security and safety.

The Minister of the Supreme Council Affairs in the Ministry of Presidential Affairs Ahmed Juma Al-Zaabi, that "Martyr Day", an expensive national occasion directed to uphold the values ​​of sacrifice, sacrifice and redemption, and honoring the heroes who have given lives and blood to live the homeland in dignity, security and safety, and the flag of the state remains high whisk In the sky of glory.

He said in a speech on the martyr's day that the decision of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, to designate the 30th of November of each year as a day for the martyr affirming the country's appreciation to his sons who are exerting lives and blood in defense of him and to secure his gains. And, with their sacrifices, they will establish for the present and future generations what they are proud of.

He added: “On this day, we renew our loyalty to His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, and we pledge His Highness to remain faithful to the values ​​that our heroes have been martyred and defend and to ensure that this homeland they are martyred remains a sacrifice. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, and His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces and their brothers. Kind to them hoping that the security and peace will last on To Edna and prevail our region and enjoy their peoples stability to continue her career in construction, and achieve greater prosperity and prosperity, and to complete their march, by deepening the meanings of sacrifice and loyalty in the minds of our children .. God bless our martyrs sons, and every year, the UAE boasts the false and achievements. "

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