Teller Report

Gustavo Ayón's new life in Zenit: "Real Madrid and I don't owe each other anything"

11/28/2019, 1:19:44 PM

The Mexican Gustavo Ayón does not like to look back. It was "wonderful five years" at Real Madrid and, after not being able to arrive this summer in the NBA, he now expects his new team

The Mexican Gustavo Ayón does not like to look back. He was "wonderful five years" at Real Madrid and, after not being able to arrive this summer in the NBA , he now hopes that his new team, the Zenit, who debuts in the Euroleague with a coach with Madrid's past, Joan Plaza, put on Friday (18:00 h., DAZN) in difficulties to the white team. "Real Madrid owes me nothing and I don't owe Madrid anything either," he told Efe in a telephone conversation.

At 35, the Mexican is a firm convinced that "things happen for something" and that "it was not a mistake" to leave Real Madrid after winning three leagues and two Euroleagues (2015 and 2018), since he wanted to return to all costs to the American league. "I bet one hundred percent on the NBA. Decisions have consequences. And I assumed those consequences. Looking back has never been my way of being. I spent five wonderful years at Real Madrid. My work supports me. In the end the cycles end "he pointed out.

Ayón admitted that "a series of circumstances" led him to Russia and a team with hardly any history, quite the opposite of the laureate Spanish team. "The first circumstance is the decision not to continue in Madrid with the hope of going to the NBA , which was my main objective. Second, when the options are not given or are not appropriate and the market closes. We had to take a decision, "he said.

That is, he added, "or return to Mexico or continue in the Euroleague with a team of the highest level." " We decided on Zenit . The club makes the effort to sign me. Also, I know the team coach (Plaza) and several players, whom I faced on numerous occasions. The atmosphere in the team is pleasant, since the body Technician speaks Spanish, "he explained.

Campazzo and Tavares

Back to the rabid news and with an eye on tomorrow's game, for Ayón, Real Madrid remains "one of the best teams in Europe." "It is a great team and remains at the same level of recent years. It is a team that adapts to what it has . It is its highest quality, both the club and the coach. You have to take full advantage that you have a player of 2 , 21 as Walter Tavares and another little one like Campazzo, "he said.

In his opinion, the two, "one for big and one for small", are "the most unbalanced players" of the rival of Zenit. "It is a very good combination, although Madrid has many high level players such as Randolph, Llull or Rudy Fernández. They are all great players," he said.

For all these reasons, he believes that tomorrow will "be a tough game", although the Mexican is increasingly better in the old Tsarist capital. Not surprisingly in recent weeks he scored 18 points against Baskonia a week ago, 13 against Valencia and 21 against Efes.

He believes that the key to rapid acclimatization is Plaza, which he says has treated him "very well" since his arrival in St. Petersburg. "It really has not been difficult. My priority was to continue my career at the highest level and work. I feel very well. I take great care of food and rest . I am improving day by day. I hope that with the effort the royalties come soon," he said. .


His new team is a colista in the top continental tournament with two wins and eight losses. He blames him, among other things, for the plague of injuries. The last to fall was the Polish Ponitka . "It is an accumulation of situations. We are a totally new team. We have never played together. We also have many injured. The Euroleague is a very difficult competition, very fought. If you have any carelessness, you pay for it very expensive. They are all teams of the highest level "he argued.

However, it is optimistic by nature. He believes that after a complicated start, from now on Zenit will climb positions, both in the Euroleague and in the domestic league, where he will try to break the hegemony of CSKA. "You have to think positive. The team has to regain confidence and look up. Zenit is a young club. It lacks some details that are gained over time. You can not compare with the Spanish teams," he said. .

Ayón is a man in peace with himself. With a single year of contract in the saddlebags, he does not look back, but he also does not think beyond next summer. He is only clear that his daughter is with him in St. Petersburg and that his son will join them soon. As for Madrid, he said he is still in contact with many members of the club, where he left "great friendships."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Real Madrid
  • Russia
  • Mexico
  • Europe
  • sports

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