Teller Report

An Israeli plan to build 11,000 housing units in Jerusalem

11/28/2019, 10:05:30 PM

JERUSALEM: Israel plans to build 11,000 housing units north of occupied Jerusalem, while Israel has begun building 176 housing units in Jebel Mukaber in occupied Jerusalem. In the meantime, the heads of the parliamentary blocs of the Likud Party and «Yisrael Beiteinu»

JERUSALEM: Israel plans to build 11,000 housing units north of occupied Jerusalem, while Israel has begun building 176 housing units in Jebel Mukaber in occupied Jerusalem. Meanwhile, the heads of the parliamentary blocs of the Likud, Yisrael Beiteinu, Shas, Yehudit Hatorah, the Jewish House and the New Right signed a bill aimed at banning the work of UNRWA in Jerusalem. Occupied.

The Israeli Ministry of Construction and Housing has published a plan to build a new Jewish neighborhood that will include the construction of 11,000 Jewish housing units in the Atarot industrial settlement, north of occupied Jerusalem.

According to the newspaper, the settlement neighborhood includes 11 thousand housing units stretching about 600 dunums from the abandoned airport and the air industry factory to the Qalandia checkpoint. In order to connect the new neighborhood to the eastern settlement bloc.

The newspaper said that the settlement plan includes land at the Atarot Airport (Qalandia), which was closed by the occupation authorities with the outbreak of the second intifada in 2000, after being targeted by the Palestinian resistance.

She pointed out that the settlement plan was drawn up several years ago, and was frozen on more than one occasion because of international political pressure against the settlement in the occupied territories in 1967.

In recent weeks, the Israeli government has begun building 176 settlement units in the Nof Zion settlement on the slopes of Jabal Mukaber, south of occupied Jerusalem, which it had ratified in October 2017.

With the completion of the settlement, which currently includes 96 units, Nof Zion will become the largest outpost in the Palestinian neighborhoods of occupied Jerusalem, Haaretz's website reported.

According to Israeli NGOs, the planned construction in Nof Tzion will be expanded to 550 settlement units and will have major implications for the future of the remaining Jerusalemites.

On the other hand, the heads of the parliamentary blocs of the Likud Party and «Israel Beitenu» and «Shas» and «Yehud Heturah» and «Jewish House» and «New Right» a bill aimed at banning the activity of «UNRWA» in occupied Jerusalem.

Likud MK and former Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat presented a bill banning UNRWA activities.

The agency operates in Shu'fat camp north of occupied Jerusalem, but has dozens of medical clinics, educational institutions and dozens of schools in the city itself.