Teller Report

"Physics" satisfies the students of the twelfth .. Schools give them a review session

11/28/2019, 10:05:53 PM

Students from grades 1 to 12 in public and private schools that apply the ministerial curriculum will resume examinations at the end of the first semester of the current academic year on the 4th of December after the martyr and national day holidays.

Students from grades 1 to 12 in public and private schools applying the ministerial curriculum will resume exams at the end of the first semester of the current academic year on the 4th of December after the martyr and national day holidays, according to the examination schedule approved by the Ministry of Education. Schools well in advance of exams.

The students of the twelfth grade, yesterday began the examinations of the end of the first semester with physics, which described their questions varying, and suitable for the average level of the student, stressing that the level was less than the size of awe.

The headmaster, who declined to be named, said that «schools have organized, for the first time, a review session for the subject before the start of the exam time, for all grades, in order to review the scientific material, and remove the fear of the exam from the hearts of students».

He pointed out that the committees in his school did not witness any complaints from students, while taking the physics exam, pointing out that the number of students in each exam room for the twelfth grade 20 students, while the number of students in the exam hall for grades 1 to 11 students.

The students said: Emad Fahmy, Saif Abdullah, and Tamer Mohammed: «We consider the physics exam as an obstacle, but we were surprised by the level of questions that was appropriate for the average student», pointing out that the question of conclusions is the most difficult, and needs time to think to get to the correct answer . They added that the idea of ​​organizing a review session for students by the school administration, before the start of the exam, was fascinating, because it boosted confidence in students, and removed the fear of the exam.