Teller Report

Vox burns the Valencian Parliament by displaying a swastika and a communist symbol

11/27/2019, 8:01:55 PM

The deputy of Vox in the Valencian Courts, David García, has set fire to the session on Wednesday the full of the Valencian Parliament by displaying a banner with the swastika and

The deputy of Vox in the Valencian Courts, David García , has set fire to the session on Wednesday the full of the Valencian Parliament by displaying a banner with the swastika and the cross and the hammer crossed out. The labor parliamentarian, as he likes to be called, intended to condemn "totalitarian regimes," as the European Parliament had done, Vox sources have explained to this newspaper. The problem is that the poor quality of the image, where the Nazi symbol was hardly altered, has generated the rapid protest of the deputies of the leftist parties.

The president of the Cortes, Enric Morera , has forced the parliamentarian of the radical right-wing party to remove the teachings while the parliamentarians of the left-wing Botanic tripartite have shown their discomfort over what happened by turning their backs on the deputy of Vox. Others, directly, have left the Hemicycle.

Already during the session the clashes with the formation of populist right have been constant to the point that the president of this parliamentary group, José María Llanos , has denounced the existence of a sanitary cordon by the rest of the parties of the Autonomous Chamber. A complaint that the PP has denied and that the PSOE has endorsed.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Vox
  • European Parliament
  • José María Llanos
  • PP
  • PSOE

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