Teller Report

Appeal by Cardinal Barbarin: "What matters to me is that the conviction is confirmed"

11/27/2019, 6:19:43 PM

Guest of the "Great Evening Newspaper & quot; on the eve of the opening of the appeal trial of Cardinal Barbarin, & nbsp; Pierre-Emmanuel Germain-Thill, presumed victim of the ex-father Preynat, said himself serene. & nbsp;

Guest of the "Grand Journal of the evening" on the eve of the opening of the appeal trial of Cardinal Barbarin, Pierre-Emmanuel Germain-Thill, presumed victim of the ex-father Preynat, says himself serene.


What did Cardinal Barbarin know about the actions of former father Preynat? This is the question to which the justice will have to answer again on Thursday, in Lyon, during the appeal trial of the Archbishop of Lyon, who denies all the accusations. "He said that he had received Father Preynat, that he confessed everything [...] and he promoted it three years later", annoyed at the microphone of Europe 1 Pierre-Emmanuel Germain- Thill, one of the alleged victims of Bernard Preynat [who has not been a priest since July, ed].

Heard on europe1:

If Barbarin had denounced Preynat, I could have rebuilt myself six years before my complaint

This former member of Saint-Luc scouts in Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon appears serene at the microphone of Europe 1: "I approach this trial with calm, serenity, and then with a little curiosity I have never been in the Court of Appeal, so I do not know how it goes. " At first instance, Cardinal Barbarin was sentenced to six months suspended sentence for non-denunciation of sexual abuse.

>> READ ALSO - Pedophilia in the Church: four questions about the trial of Cardinal Barbarin

Explaining that "if Barbarin had denounced Preynat, I could have rebuilt myself six years before my complaint," Pierre-Emmanuel Germain-Thill does not want the cardinal to be sentenced to a heavier sentence: "It is justice that decides what matters to me is that the conviction is confirmed. "

Heard on europe1:

I've been waiting for the trial of Bernard Preynat for 30 years

If Cardinal Barbarin "has done", the trial expected by Pierre-Emmanuel Germain-Thill is not that of the cardinal, but that of Bernard Preynat, which must take place in civil January 13 to 17, 2020: "J ' It will be the trial of my life, I have been waiting for 30 years, and I would be happy to be able to turn the page, finally. "