Teller Report

“The development of the Navy is among the priorities”: what are the latest Russian ice-class ships and non-nuclear submarines capable of

11/27/2019, 8:05:00 PM

At the Admiralty Shipyards in St. Petersburg, construction began on Project 23550 Nikolai Zubov, a multifunctional ice-class combat ship. The laying ceremony was attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to the head of state, the further development of the Navy has been and remains among the main priorities. Currently, icebreakers with combat potential, as well as diesel-electric submarines armed with Caliber, are being built at the Admiralty Shipyards. According to experts, the products of the St. Petersburg enterprise will strengthen the position of the Navy in the Arctic and the Far East.

Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in the ceremony of laying the Nikolai Zubov multi-purpose ice-class combat ship of Project 23550 at the Admiralty Shipyards (St. Petersburg). The transfer of the ship to the Navy is scheduled for November 2024.

“The further development of the Russian Navy in all its components has been and remains among our main priorities. We always rely on experience, a high professional level, well-coordinated work of labor teams of both the Admiralty Shipyards and our other shipbuilding enterprises, ”Putin said at the laying ceremony of Nikolai Zubov.

The president at the Admiralty Shipyards was accompanied by the company's general director Alexander Buzakov, deputy prime minister Yuri Borisov, defense minister Sergey Shoigu, head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, head of the United Shipbuilding Corporation Alexei Rakhmanov.

"No warships can not do"

During a visit to the Admiralty Shipyards, the President of Russia examined the lead ship of Project 23550 Ivan Papanin, which was launched on October 25. Its transfer to the fleet is scheduled for 2023. "Nikolai Zubov" is the second combat icebreaker of this series.

The project 23550 ship combines the functions of an icebreaker, patrol vessel and tugboat. According to the Ministry of Defense, this type of marine equipment is intended for the protection and monitoring of water resources in difficult ice conditions. The vessel was designed by specialists of Almaz CMBB (St. Petersburg).

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks at the ceremony of laying the ice class ship Nikolai Zubov
  • © Sergey Guneev / RIA News

“This ship can perform tasks as part of the units and groups of the Russian Navy, also singly. The ability to overcome ice with a thickness of more than 1.5 meters will allow the ship to be used effectively in the difficult ice conditions of the Arctic zone, ”Rear Admiral Igor Zvarich, head of the technical department of the Russian Navy, explained in October.

The displacement of the project 23550 ship is about 9 thousand tons, length is over 100 m, width is about 20 m, draft is 6 m, sailing autonomy is 60–70 days, full speed is about 18 knots (33.3 km / h ), economical - 10 knots (18.5 km / h).

The standard armament of the project 23550 ship includes the 76-mm AK-176M universal automatic artillery mount, the Gibka anti-aircraft turret anti-aircraft missile system, the Igla portable systems, the Ka-27 helicopter, the UAV, two Raptor-type speed assault boats, one hovercraft of Project 23321 Manul. Also, if necessary, the vessel can be equipped with a caliber missile system.

During a visit to the Admiralty Shipyards, Vladimir Putin also examined the most powerful (25 MW) and world's largest diesel-electric icebreaker, Viktor Chernomyrdin (project 22600). The ship's displacement is 22 thousand tons, its length is 142 m, its width is 29 m, its speed is 17 knots (31.4 km / h).

Despite the fire that occurred in November 2018, Victor Chernomyrdin will soon be handed over to the customer - FSUE Rosmorport. In October, the ship successfully passed sea trials in the Baltic Sea. Ahead of the icebreaker is checking systems, components and assemblies in the Arctic. It is planned for March - April 2020, when the ice in the Arctic reaches the required thickness and strength.

In an interview with RT, doctor of military sciences, retired 1st rank captain Konstantin Sivkov noted that Russia is steadily strengthening the icebreaking group, including its combat component. According to him, vessels adapted to perform tasks in the Arctic are necessary for the delivery of goods along the Northern Sea Route (NSR) and the protection of this strategically important transport artery.

“The Northern Sea Route is turning into a major highway, which is acquiring global significance. This is the shortest way from China to Europe, and therefore it has great economic and defense significance. Of course, it’s too early to talk about the NSR as an intensive international route, but in the future, with global warming, its potential will certainly be realized, ”said Sivkov.

The expert drew attention to the fact that in recent years Russia has regularly received threats and claims from the United States regarding the rights to operate the Northern Sea Route. Sivkov believes that Washington is trying to hinder the realization of the potential of the NSR and frustrate Moscow’s plans to develop the richest natural resources of the Arctic.

“The USA understands perfectly well what strategic importance the Arctic will take in the not so distant future. Therefore, Russia is building up its economic and military capabilities in this region in advance. Naturally, our country cannot do without new icebreakers and ice-class warships, ”Sivkov explained.

“A tangible improvement in Russia's position”

Also at the Admiralty Shipyards, Putin was shown the diesel-electric submarine of project 636.3 (Varshavyanka) Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. November 25, the Andreevsky flag was hoisted above the first submarine. In the near future, the submarine will go into service with the Pacific Fleet (Pacific Fleet).

In total, six Varshavyanka will be sent to the Far East. Now under construction are Volkhov, Magadan, Ufa, Mozhaisk. The bookmark of the sixth submarine is expected, the corresponding contract has already been signed. From 2010 to 2016, a half dozen submarines received the Black Sea Fleet.

  • The ceremony of the transfer of the diesel-electric submarine "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky" to the Russian Navy
  • © Alexey Danichev / RIA Novosti

The displacement of Varshavyanka is 2.3 thousand tons, the depth of immersion is 300 m, the autonomy is 45 days, and the maximum speed is 20 knots (37 km / h). Project 636.3 was developed within the walls of the Central Design Bureau MT Rubin (St. Petersburg). The main advantages of the project 636.3 submarines are low noise and the presence of powerful shock weapons in the form of a complex "Caliber".

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the submarines that are being built for the Pacific Fleet will slightly exceed the samples supplied for the Black Sea Fleet. For example, the Admiralty Shipyards will install new sonar plates on them, which will "completely hide submarines from radars."

“The developers managed to bring the noise closer to the background values ​​of the sea. Due to the special design, hydroacoustic plates effectively absorb noise of various frequencies and at various depths, thereby complicating the detection of submarines, ”reads materials from the Russian Defense Ministry on project 636.3.

Konstantin Sivkov believes that in the service of the Varshavyanka Pacific Fleet they will ensure the exit of Russian strategic cruisers into the oceans, as well as cover the naval bases of the Far East.

“Project 636.3 boats have decent anti-submarine capabilities. They will allow keeping respect for foreign navies, which are trying to track the movement of Russian naval strategic forces. In addition, the diesel-electric submarines of the Pacific Fleet will certainly not allow a potential adversary to come close to our coast. After all, “Gauges” can strike not only at ground targets, ”Sivkov said.

A similar point of view is held by military expert Yuri Knutov. According to him, “Varshavyanka” are able to carry out a wide range of combat missions and “keep enemies” in suspense. He called submarines 636.3 inexpensive and “reasonably efficient” offshore platforms.

“The plans of the Ministry of Defense to commission new submarines and ships allow the Navy to maintain the current level of presence in the World Ocean, providing reliable defense of our shores. Also, taking into account the volume of construction at the Admiralty Shipyards icebreakers and Varshavyanka in the coming years, we can expect a significant improvement in Russia's positions in the Arctic and the Far East, ”Knutov summarized.