Teller Report

Wikipedia updates the profile of the president of Turkmenistan, he is offended and blocks the site

11/26/2019, 7:34:43 PM

Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov is called "suspicious, wary, limited" and much more. It is the judgments of US diplomats leaked thanks to Wikileaks


26 November 2019 In Wikipedia, the Wikipedia site was blocked after a section on character and personality of President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov was added on 5 November.

Information on the Turkmen president's account has been taken from reports by US diplomats that were later made known in the Wikileaks scandal. In those messages, the Turkmen president is described as a "vain, fussy, vindictive, tending towards micro-management, who does not like the most intelligent people". In another message we read that the Turkmen president is "suspicious, wary, limited, very conservative, false and a good actor". A source also describes Berdymuhamedov as "a convinced Turkmen nationalist".

The president has thus decided to completely block the site, facilitated by the fact that there is only one provider in the country, Turkmentelecom, which has long been used to regularly blocking dozens of foreign media sites.