Teller Report

Two friends who killed a businessman were jailed in his room

11/26/2019, 10:06:08 PM

The Dubai Criminal Court convicted two Arab friends accused of killing a visiting businessman, stealing a credit card and other belonging to the victim, and sentenced one of them to 15 years and the other seven years, while acquitting other defendants in the case.

The Dubai Criminal Court convicted two Arab friends accused of killing a visiting businessman, stealing a credit card and other belonging to the victim, and sentenced one of them to 15 years and the other seven years, while acquitting other defendants in the case.

According to investigations conducted by the Public Prosecution, one of the defendants planned the crime and distributed the roles, and then one of them was assigned to accompany the victim to steal his card, but he did not succeed in doing so.He asked another defendant to do this role.He went with the victim to a hotel but failed to find the card.He started beating him with a stair Wooden several times on his head until he died and then stole his belongings, and the court convicted him of committing a felony murder committed with the wings of theft.

One of the defendants admitted in the investigation of the Public Prosecution that the four defendants discussed the crime among themselves while sitting together in a restaurant, 15 days before its execution, and then circulated among themselves several times, and it was required that one of them to document his relationship with the victim and steal his credit card.

The first defendant met with the visitor more than once and took him to his hotel. There, the defendant took advantage of the opportunity and searched for the credit card, which they had previously known, but did not find it. When the victim came out of the bathroom, the defendant threatened to inform the police intentionally to intimidate him. The killer hit him with a fist and then finished with a wooden staircase until he fell to the ground.He stole his phone, credit cards and a sum of money.He also collected his clothes and a blanket with bloodstains and put them in the bathtub to wash them.He also got rid of the clothes he was wearing at the time of the crime. Financial in two installments, spend it on a Month in a nightclub, then gave the card to the other convict sentenced to seven years in prison, and kept the side of the stolen goods.

For his part, the defendant deliberately denied killing the visitor, pointing out that he knew him in a cafe and then strengthened their relationship, and the latter invited him to his room in a hotel after he promised to provide him with a job opportunity, and was surprised by the death trying to harass him, and he was angry and bear a fight between them resulted in his death.

The other convict said that he was surprised on the day of the incident by a call from his friend, and when he met him was surprised with blood bleeding from his face, and all his clothes stained with blood, and asked him to get rid of my phone «iPhone» returning to the victim, and a golden hour, in addition to other purposes, and got him a card The court convicted the defendants and ordered their removal from the state after serving their sentence.

• The court sentenced the former to 15 years and the second seven, and acquitted other defendants in the case.