Teller Report

The PSOE will negotiate with Bildu the budgets of Navarra

11/26/2019, 7:37:48 PM

The PSOE will consummate its approach to Bildu by negotiating the budgets of Navarra. The president of the Regional Government, María Chivite, will sit on Wednesday in her office to represent

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The PSOE will consummate its approach to Bildu by negotiating the budgets of Navarra. The president of the Regional Government, María Chivite , will sit on Wednesday in her office representatives of the abertzale formation to get her support to the regional accounts, since she does not have a sufficient majority to approve them.

The Socialists had promised not to agree with Bildu and also assured that their budgets for 2020 were going to be discussed in the Foral Parliament , but things have changed: not only will there be negotiation but also an intention to normalize the independence formation by sitting at an institutional table, nothing less than in the Palace of Navarra . Gone are the times when socialist leaders like José Luis Ábalos or Margarita Robles put the sanitary cordon to the abertzales . Even Chivite herself had said she wasn't going to agree anything with this match.

To approve the General Budgets of Navarra of 2020, Chivite only has the minority support of its Government partners ( Geroa Bai , Podemos and IE ), with 23 seats out of the 50 that the Regional Parliament has. But it needs 26, so it must be backed by Navarra Suma (PP, UPN and Citizens) or by EH Bildu.

That is why on Monday he sent letters to both coalitions to seek their support. At 4:00 pm on Wednesday you will see members of Navarra Suma and at 5:00 pm, with those of Bildu. Both one and another formation have shown their willingness to reach an understanding.

The parliamentarian of Navarra Suma José Suárez said he will go "with the best will", although he showed his "surprise" by the fact that a party is called "that does not condemn the murders of ETA" and "a position is taken in Navarra different from that adopted by Pedro Sánchez with the Government of Spain , since he does not sit with Bildu, ”according to Europa Press.

Other sources of this formation interpret that Chivite's invitation to the coalition formed by PP, UPN and Cs "is nothing more than a maneuver to justify and bleach the meeting with Bildu," which is what would really interest Chivite. They remember that the president of Navarra was invested thanks to the abstention of the abertzales and consider that the meeting is about "one more assignment" that "facilitates Bildu to abstain in the investiture of Sanchez."

EH Bildu spokeswoman in the Chamber of Foreign Affairs , Bakartxo Ruiz , said, on the other hand, that "this is an important first step." “We are facing a coalition government and from the outset we propose that the negotiation has to be with a government formed by the three forces and that it has no majority. If you want to look left and progressive, you can only approve budgets with EH Bildu, ”he said.

GB, Podemos and IE encourage PSN to try to support Bildu. However, the first vice president of the Regional Executive, Javier Remírez , promised to discuss the budgets within the framework of the regional Parliament with all the groups. The abertzales , of course, wanted a "prior negotiation" to approve the budget project and not just introduce amendments. The accounts have not yet been sent to Parliament, so it will finally be done as Bildu wanted, who never said his abstention would be free.

The yes of the PSN to bring the prisoners closer

On Monday, the day Chivite sent the letter calling Bildu to negotiate, the PSN voted in the Parliament of Navarra in favor of "a new penitentiary policy that prevents" prisoners from serving sentences "away from the roots social and family ». The Board of Spokespersons approved this institutional statement with the votes of the PSN, Geroa Bai, Bildu, Podemos and IE. Navarra Suma voted against.

The statement included two other points that were rejected with the votes against the PSN and Navarra Suma: one showed solidarity with the family of a Navarre dam who suffered an accident "as a result of the policy of removal" and another for the Government of Navarra make the arrangements so that prisoners with roots in Navarra can be in the prison of Pamplona .

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Navarre
  • PSOE
  • Bildu
  • Politics
  • We can
  • Maria Chivite
  • Spain
  • Navarra Sum

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