Teller Report

Hong Kong calls to police siege university to leave some young people

11/26/2019, 8:31:43 PM

In Hong Kong, democrats prevailed in the constituency elections, but some young people are still on campus at the university where police are besieging…

Hong Kong still calls for some youth to go out to police siege college November 27 5:20

In Hong Kong, democrats won in the district elections, but it seems that some young people are still staying at the university where the police are besieged, so that university officials can go out. I keep calling.

In Hong Kong, where protests continue, many young people stood up at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University as police surrounded the area, and more than 1,000 people have been taken out of the university and arrested. The youth seems to remain on the premises.

Vice presidents of the university interviewed about this, and on the 26th, about 50 people including related persons looked around the premises, as a result, there were no young people in the main place, it was found that they participated in the demonstration I explained that there was only one young woman in a debilitated state.

On campus, hygiene conditions are getting worse, but at the university, considering that there are young people standing up, they are looking for the campus on the 27th and calling out to leave.

In Hong Kong, the pressure on the government has been strengthened by democrats who were critical of the government in the constituency elections held on the 24th of this month.

However, since the top government official, Moon Moon Rin, did not show his thoughts to meet the citizens' further demands at the first press conference after the election on the 26th, It is expected that there will be more calls to accept the request.

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