Teller Report

[Reportage] DRC: Heavy rains kill dozens of people in Kinshasa - RFI

11/26/2019, 7:49:43 PM

Kinshasa faced heavy rains in the night from Monday to Tuesday, resulting in floods that killed at least 41 people. This is the case in

By RFIPalled on 26-11-2019Modified on 26-11-2019 at 20:36

Kinshasa faced heavy rains in the night from Monday to Tuesday, resulting in floods that killed at least 41 people. This is the case in the municipality of Lemba where garbage dumps have collapsed on several houses erected in a ravine.

In the midst of these inconsolable women, three lifeless bodies have just been pulled from the rubble. In this ravine of the Livulu district, garbage dumps fed by the town collapsed on makeshift houses.

" Above, there were garbage bins that had been piled up there, but it was a bad policy and here are the consequences. All the families are weeping and we are very angry, "says one resident.

Dressed in panties stained with mud and blood, Medard was unable to recover his property. " These rains are recurrent but there has never been such damage," he says. I was born here, I grew up here. It's this trash that destroyed everything. Nine people died in this place. I did not save anything from my house. I am here as you see and nothing more .

The fear of epidemics

Nathalie was saved. She left her house when the rains proved important, but all her neighbors died. " It's this trash that they put here that caused all this, " she laments. This dump of rubbish from the town hall poured around two o'clock in the morning with powerful water and that's what killed the people of the neighborhood. Our neighbors wanted to go out but when we left they were still asleep. I was able to go out with my six children. "

The district authorities have so far counted 41 dead according to an official report. In this unsanitary environment, the Red Cross, which evacuated some bodies, feared epidemics of waterborne origin. But the capital is not finished with the floods, because the precipitation will be important in December.

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