Teller Report

The first trial day is over in the Erlandsson case

11/25/2019, 6:26:28 PM

During the first trial day, two of the three litigants were heard about what they believe to be sexually abusive. The former rural minister Eskil Erlandsson (C) denies the allegations himself.

- I feel a hand on my thigh, and this is a very strong physical memory, I feel fingers curving under my skirt. My reaction is that I pull my leg very quickly and move aside, one of the women told me.

The event should have happened at a lunch in Parliament's restaurant Strömmen in the fall of 2018, where she sat next to Eskil Erlandsson.

Three plaintiffs

Three women, two moderates and a center party, have told almost identical stories of how they sat next to Erlandsson at various events between 2016 and 2018 and suddenly felt how he put his hand on their thighs and stroked or caressed them, or peeled on the skirt.

On Monday, the court went through the charges relating to the two moderate politicians.

The joint problem is behind

Eskil Erlandsson denies that he has committed a crime but believes that he may have involuntarily reached the women's legs. He has long had problems with his joints in his hands and therefore, for example, usually massage his hands against his thighs.

Indicated other causes

In the police interrogation, Erlandsson mentioned that the accusations may be a result of the political turmoil that existed in connection with the government formation after the 2018 election, and the fact that he supported Stefan Löfven (S) as prime minister.

The trial continues on Wednesday when the third woman will give her story and final pleadings will be held.