Teller Report

Russia has warned the Czech Republic against installing a monument to "Vlasovites"

11/25/2019, 8:49:48 PM

The Russian embassy in the Czech Republic stated that if a monument to the “Vlasovites” was erected, the actions of the Czech side would be regarded as a violation of obligations under the Convention on Crimes against Humanity.

This is stated in the comment of the diplomatic mission in connection with the initiative to erect a monument to the “Vlasovites” in the Prague-Rzepory district.

“If a monument to the“ Vlasovites ”was erected in the Prague-Rzhepory district, this would violate the Czech Republic’s obligations as a party to the Convention on the inapplicability of the statute of limitations to war crimes and crimes against humanity in 1968,” the embassy said.

The report also indicates that, according to the Convention, “no statute of limitations applies to such crimes and the perpetrators thereof, regardless of the time they were committed”.

“Vlasovites” are called members of the Russian Liberation Army, who fought on the side of Nazi Germany during the Second World War. The term comes from the name of General Andrei Vlasov, who commanded the army.