Teller Report

WADA Committee recommended that the Executive Board deprive RUSADA of compliance status

11/23/2019, 4:13:41 AM

The Compliance Committee of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) recommended that the executive committee deprive the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) of the status corresponding to the World Anti-Doping Code.

According to the WADA press service, such a recommendation is based on the reports of the investigation department and independent forensic experts who related to a number of inconsistencies in the Moscow laboratory data transmitted by WADA, as well as on the Russian side’s answers to the list of questions that arose.

On September 23, WADA initiated an expedited review of the RUSADA mismatch issue due to identifying discrepancies between LIMS and data extracted from the Moscow laboratory.

WADA Executive Committee will be held on December 9.

Earlier it was reported that VFLA threatened with complete exclusion from World Athletics