Teller Report

Enrique Krauze: "Those of Podemos are specialists in the labor movement who have never seen a worker"

11/23/2019, 2:10:58 PM

How would you summarize your relationship with Spain? In my case, it is a love story that has never decayed, that has persisted throughout my life and that has been reasonably c

  • Conquest. "I hope that López Obrador does not insist on asking Spain to apologize"

How would you summarize your relationship with Spain? In my case, it is a love story that has never decayed, that has persisted throughout my life and that has been reasonably reciprocated. It can be said that I am the grandson of the extraordinary generation of intellectuals, historians, philosophers, writers, essayists, translators and Spanish editors who enriched Mexican culture and universal culture in Spanish. So when I first traveled to Spain, in the 80s, what I

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