Teller Report

Ando Hazama conceals income of 250 million yen

11/23/2019, 4:31:41 AM

As a semi-major general contractor “Ando Hazama” repeatedly falsified a fictitious order in the decontamination business of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, Tokyo ...

Ando Hazama conceals income of 250 million yen Tokyo Taxation Bureau pointed out November 23 13:24

Associate major general contractor "Ando Hazama" has repeatedly pointed out fictitious orders in the decontamination business of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, and the Tokyo National Tax Bureau has pointed out that the income of about 250 million yen is hidden. I learned from interviews with the people concerned.

The concealed income was pointed out by Ando Hazama, a semi-major general contractor headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo.

According to the officials, about 20 executives from the Tohoku branch of Ando Hazama repeatedly placed orders for fictitious and inflated water to subcontractors in Iwaki City during the decontamination project and civil engineering-related work for the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. , After transferring the money to the contractor, it was made back by cash, etc.

The executives said that the money was used for business entertainment and private food and drinks for business partners. It was pointed out that income was hidden by ¥ 500 million.

The additional tax, including the double addition tax, amounts to 100 million yen.

In response to NHK's interview, Ando Hazama says, “The fact that the tax authorities have pointed out tax matters has been properly dealt with by fact, but details will be withheld.”