Teller Report

His bill had jumped after the installation of the counter Linky: Enedis and EDF condemned

11/22/2019, 8:40:52 PM

His bill had jumped after the installation of the counter Linky: Enedis and EDF condemned

Lille (AFP)

Enedis and EDF were sentenced on Friday for cutting power to an 84-year-old woman from Arras who refused to pay an astronomical and erroneous bill when she set up the controversial Linky electric meter, according to the judgment consulted by AFP.

"The increase in consumption recorded just after the installation of the new meter combined with their decline just after the intervention of the company Enedis demonstrates a problem of this counter", can we read in the judgment of the District Court Arras transmitted to the press, including AFP.

This resident's meter is replaced by a Linky meter at the end of February 2017. Eight months later, EDF charges her 348 euros for her electricity consumption, which she contests, arguing that the amount was "much higher than billing. usual "while she has not changed her lifestyle and rules 60 euros.

EDF finally cut off electricity for two months, between September and November 2018.

The judge found that the evidence shows that according to the old meter, its consumption was on average 6 kWh per month from June 2014 to February 2017 and that according to the meter Linky, it was 275 kWh per month of February 28, 2017 to April 28, 2018.

Over the period of April 28, 2018, just after an intervention of Enedis ending the problem, at the end of August 2018, it was a total of 36 kWh.

Linky smart meters are causing some privacy and health concerns because of the electromagnetic waves they emit, which Linky refutes.

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