Teller Report

Gullan Bornemark about missing child-gram: "Terribly disturbing"

11/22/2019, 3:26:14 PM

When Gullan Bornemark, Sweden's most important children's music composer, hears that the price for the genre will be dropped at the next Grammys Gala, she reacts strongly. - Children are entitled to their own music. And they need their own music. Point, Gullan Bornemark says to the Culture News.

When Grammys awards the gala next year, one category will be missing: Children's music. This after the organizer, Ifpi, decided to no longer distribute the prize.

Golden Bornemark says that when she heard the news, she felt "a great emptiness".

- I still continued to work on what I was doing, a documentation work that requires concentration. But I felt heavy thoughts and disturbed. I realize more and more how important children's music is. This gives bad signals, she tells Culture News and continues:

- Children's music is important. Kids really need their own music. After all, they are affected by so much else that flows around and which is intended for adult ears.

Why is children's music so important?

- To encourage children there to properly experience themselves at their own level of development, which helps them progress in development.

During the last Grammys gala, Gullan Bornemark was awarded her first Grammys ever in the children's album of the year for "My own favorites".

- I was terribly happy when I got the award early this year, it has really given me wonderful fuel for my warm creator climate when it comes to music.

That no one should receive the honor of receiving the award in 2020 thinks Gullan Bornemark is a shame.

- If this with zero Grammys price is a creeping trend, then it's terribly worrying, she says.