Teller Report

After the burial procedure is delayed, cyclists take the body from the morgue in their own way

11/22/2019, 12:16:46 PM

Motorcyclists broke into the fare of a hospital on the Indonesian island of Sumatra and took the body of an infant, who had been left there for hours, in a work they described as "human." In Padang, you

Motorcycle drivers stormed the fare of a hospital on the Indonesian island of Sumatra and took the body of an infant, who had been left there for hours, in what they described as "humanitarian."
The six-month-old infant died on Tuesday while receiving treatment at the MD Dagamin Hospital in Padang, but his parents were very upset after the hospital delayed his body for immediate burial.

"He died, but there was no confirmation of when he would return home," said the baby's mother, Dewey Suriani, who said she owed the hospital 24 rupees ($ 1,700) for her son's treatment.
A group of taxi drivers, including a family relative, handled the matter herself and forcibly removed the body from the morgue.
One of the drivers, Wardianiah, said the group had done the work for humanitarian reasons. "We are human beings. What if it's our child? In the case of death, the hospital should simply take it. "The family will eventually pay the costs."

The hospital reported "misunderstandings".

"It was a matter of administrative procedures, but it took some time," hospital spokesman Gustavianov was quoted by as saying.
"It wasn't about money, but there were some documents that had to be completed."