Teller Report

Tomorrow partly cloudy weather and chance of rain

11/21/2019, 2:31:51 PM

The National Meteorological Center (NMC) predicted that the weather will be partly cloudy tomorrow. s

The National Meteorological Center predicted that the weather will be partly cloudy tomorrow.

Wind Northwesterly - Northeasterly / 20 - 30 km / h, sometimes up to 45 km / h.

The wave in the Arabian Gulf is average to sometimes turbulent .. The first tide will occur at 09:56 and the second tide at 20:54 .. The first islands at 15:23 and the second tide at 03:31.

The wave will be in the Sea of ​​Oman: Medium .. The first tide will occur at 18:29 and the second tide at 06:22 .. The first tide at 17:12 and the second tide at 07:00.