Teller Report

Regionals, from Rousseau to M5S lists

11/21/2019, 7:55:45 PM

8.45pm Rousseau has decided: the 5Stelle Movement will participate with its own lists in the upcoming regional electoral competitions in Calabria and Emilia Romagna. 27,273 preferences were expressed out of a total of 125,018 eligible to vote. The 'No' - which as expressed in the referendum question means yes to the lists - obtained 19.248 votes, reaching 70.6%; yes, however, it stopped at 8,025 preferences, representing 29.4% of those entitled to vote.


21 November 201920.45 Rousseau has decided: the 5Stelle Movement will participate with its own lists in the upcoming regional electoral competitions in Calabria and Emilia Romagna. 27,273 preferences were expressed out of a total of 125,018 eligible to vote. The 'No' - which as expressed in the referendum question means yes to the lists - obtained 19.248 votes, reaching 70.6%; yes, however, it stopped at 8,025 preferences, representing 29.4% of those entitled to vote.