Teller Report

New law is being tried in Norrköping District Court

11/21/2019, 9:16:51 PM

Today, the trial ended in the well-known case against a restaurant owner in Norrköping who is charged with human exploitation. It is the first trial of its kind since the law was introduced just over a year ago.

The prosecutor has painted with a broad brush during the trial to show, among other things, that the restaurant owner has not been able to pay any wages, since there was rarely any money in his account. He must therefore have misled the two landowners and exploited them when they were in a vulnerable situation, when they were completely new to Sweden.

The defense, for its part, claims that the couple was not in a vulnerable situation, because during the trial they admitted that they came to Sweden with $ 1,000 and € 3,000, as well as jewelry at an estimated value of about SEK 50,000.

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This is the law on human exploitation: Photo: Henrik Montgomery / TT