Teller Report

Morales spoke about the attempt of the Air Force General to arrange an accident in his helicopter

11/21/2019, 9:07:51 PM

The outgoing president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, told RT about the attempted assassination attempt on him. According to the politician, the commander of the country's air force, General Jorge Terseros, was involved in the accident of his helicopter.

“On Monday, the 4th day, when I flew to the opening of a new road, my helicopter crashed,” Morales said, noting that everything happened all of a sudden.

He added that he always flies in a helicopter, and problems had never arisen before, even during strong winds, rain and clouds.

“Initially, I thought it was an accident, but now I have no doubt that we are talking about an attempt ... And on the day of that accident only a light rain fell. Later I realized that Bolivian Air Force General Terseros was behind this attempt. He has changed a lot in recent days, ”said the former Bolivian leader.

On November 5, it became known that the helicopter on which Evo Morales was flying made an emergency landing due to a breakdown of the tail rotor. Then the Bolivian Air Force announced this.

At the same time, the head of the Bolivian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Arturo Murillo, said that the agency revealed a criminal group preparing an attempt on the assassination of the acting president of the country, Janine Agnes.