Teller Report

Minister Ribera hopes that the "anger of the street" increases ambition at the Climate Summit in Madrid

11/21/2019, 2:13:45 PM

The Minister for Ecological Transition in operation, Teresa Ribera, said Thursday that the Climate Summit in Madrid, which will be held from December 2 to 13 of this year of

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The Minister for the Ecological Transition in operation, Teresa Ribera, said Thursday that the Climate Summit in Madrid, which will be held on December 2 to 13 of this year should start a new cycle that includes the "anger of the street" and Increase climate ambition because as of 2020 the countries' emission reduction commitments will be revised upwards.

Ribera made this consideration at the EFE Leaders Forum, held in Madrid and where it was surrounded by six other members of the Government (Isabel Celaá, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, José Luis Ábalos, José Guirao, María Luisa Carcedo and Pedro Duque), in a staging that the fight against climate change is part of the Executive's priorities.

The head of the Ecological Transition commented that the fight against climate change already has the Paris Agreement as an international regulatory framework, whose "rule book" was developed last year at the Climate Summit in Katowice (Poland).

He stressed that the Madrid Climate Summit, known as COP25 and to be held under the Presidency of Chile, begins "a new cycle" in which climate governance stands out to incorporate civil society in order to "deepen the climate action "and that the Climate Summits cease to be" meetings of diplomats "whose success or failure depends on the" weight of the roles that make up the final decisions ".

" It is very important to leave with the conviction that this anger of the street is translated into an express commitment to increase ambition, " he said, before indicating that the United Nations Environment Program (Pnuma) recalled on Wednesday that Climate goals of the countries are "insufficient" to achieve the "security objective" that the planet does not heat up between 1.5 and 2 degrees more than pre-industrial levels.

In this regard, he stressed that the voice of young people has been audible "with rage" this year in a multitude of demonstrations around the world.

More ambition

Ribera said that fulfilling that objective set out in the Paris Agreement will avoid "pain" and "suffering", as well as dodging an "environmental and economic crisis" associated with the most adverse effects of extreme weather.

"In Madrid, a decisive year for climate ambition starts," he said, while indicating that in 2020 a period of upward revision of the commitments made by countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will begin.

"Increasing the ambition of the contributions in coherence with what science demands and the Paris Agreement demands to be prepared from the first moment. Hence the significance of the call for leaders to come to Madrid," he added.

In this regard, he reiterated that at COP25 in Madrid there will not necessarily be new commitments from the countries , but will serve so that "everyone goes out with the conviction that it is essential to do so from 2020". "The Secretary General of the United Nations says it again and again: what there is is insufficient. Therefore, we must leave Madrid convinced that it is essential to do more," he added.

Ribera commented that the new "action phase" that will emerge after the Madrid Climate Summit should permeate local and regional governments, business administration councils and citizens themselves.

Trump and Greta

On the other hand, Ribera was convinced that COP25 "will be able to meet the entire agenda", despite the logistic rush because Madrid will host the Summit just one month after it was granted after the resignation of the Chilean Government to celebrate it in Santiago de Chile for social unrest.

Ribera, who defended the recent conception of "climate emergency" to define the fight against climate change, considered a "mistake" and a "misfortune" that the Donald Trump Administration has launched the process of leaving the United States regarding the Paris Agreement, which will not materialize until November 4, 2020, one day after the presidential elections.

He added that it is a "controversial point" in American society because it raises pros and cons between mayors and governors of the two majority parties. And he commented that that decision has not been supported by any other country, on the contrary, Russia has ratified the Paris Agreement a few weeks ago.

On the other hand, Ribera said that the Heads of State and Government of those announced will attend the Climate Summit in Madrid when it was scheduled to be held in Santiago , Chile.

In addition, he commented that activist Greta Thunberg has become "a very important reference" in the fight against climate change and said that his agenda is private, but the Chilean Presidency of the COP will make a "fit" so that he can participate if he finally Arrives in Madrid on time after crossing the Atlantic on a catamaran.

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