Teller Report

Michael Bloomberg takes another step in his presidential aspirations

11/21/2019, 9:10:57 PM

At the moment it is only a procedure, but it is increasingly clear that Michael Bloomberg wants to launch his presidential candidacy and try to snatch the White House from Donald Trump. He

  • Democrats: Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, about to enter the race for the White House
  • Elections: Democratic arsenal to defeat Donald Trump in 2020

At the moment it is only a procedure, but it is increasingly clear that Michael Bloomberg wants to launch his presidential candidacy and try to snatch the White House from Donald Trump. The US billionaire has presented on Thursday to the Federal Electoral Commission the necessary documents for a possible Democratic nomination in the 2020 presidential elections.

With these procedures, the former mayor of New York between 2002 and 2014 has formally created a presidential campaign committee that will legally allow him from now on to start raising and investing funds for an eventual campaign in 2020, although from his team they have made it clear This is just "another step in your aspirations", because you have not yet made a "final" decision.

This week, the owner of the Bloomberg news agency announced an investment of between 15 and 20 million dollars to promote a voter registration campaign in states considered key for the next election, just a few days after revealing that he will also invest other 100 million dollars in the dissemination of digital advertisements against Donald Trump.

With a fortune valued at more than 50,000 million dollars, for two weeks the name of the Jewish billionaire sounds increasingly strong to fight for the Democratic candidacy that tries to recover the White House. A race in which there are about twenty applicants, but only three with real options to win the primaries: former Vice President Joe Biden, and Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

In case of finally entering the presidential race, Bloomberg's strategy is to put aside the four states that vote first in the primaries (Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada) and concentrate on those who will do so in the so-called " super Tuesday. " "If we compete, we are sure that we can win in the states of 'super Tuesday' and beyond," according to Howard Wolfson, one of the closest advisers to the businessman.

From the environment of Bloomberg they have recognized that he is increasingly worried, because he considers that none of the aspiring Democrats is solid enough to defeat Trump in the elections that will take place on November 3, 2020. Therefore, in the last weeks have already taken the first steps to appear on the primary ballots in the states of Alabama, Arkansas and Texas.

According to different media such as the 'New York Times' or the 'Washington Post', the final decision of the billionaire could be known in the coming days, a candidacy that if confirmed would cause a real earthquake in the Democratic primary, where great uncertainty reigns because nobody It ends up breaking out and new contenders continue to appear, such as former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick.

Two weeks ago Joe Biden already "welcomed" the presidential race and said of him that he is a "solid" guy, while Donald Trump said the businessman "will fail" if he finally decides to launch his candidacy. "He doesn't have the magic to do it right, but I think it will hurt Biden," the president said on November 8. "There is no one with whom I would like to compete more than with Michael," he added.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • U.S
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