Teller Report

Jean-Baptiste Djebbari on the pension reform: "If it is done, we can be proud"

11/21/2019, 7:16:40 PM

Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, Secretary of State for Transport with the Minister of the Ecological and Solidarity Transition, was on Europe 1 Thursday.

Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, Secretary of State for Transport to the Minister of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, was on Europe 1 Thursday.


Following his interview with the High Commissioner for pensions, Jean-Paul Delevoye, and the Secretary of State for Transport, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, the secretary general of the CFDT-Cheminots, Didier Aubert, threatened on Thursday join the strike movement planned for December 5th. Invited Thursday evening, on Europe 1, to comment on this interview, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari agreed that a major point of disagreement persisted between the government and the union of railway workers, who would like an announcement before December 15 concerning the "clause of the big -Father". "We have taken note of a number of requests but decisions will be made after the ongoing negotiations, after December 15," said Secretary of State at the microphone David Doukhan. As a reminder, this "grandfather clause" provides that the pension reform only applies to new entrants into the labor market.

A reform "necessary for France"

More generally, regarding this pension reform, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari believes that the previous governments, for years, "fell for lack of courage or ambition." "There are prerequisites for pension reform: a pay-as-you-go system, a point-by-point system, a more inclusive and equitable system," he said on Thursday evening before concluding: "If this reform is done, and I hope it will be done, when we look back, we can be proud of this reform, which is necessary for France. "