Teller Report

IAEA dispatches senior officials to Iran for nuclear development issues

11/21/2019, 8:53:08 PM

IAEA = Iran has started an enrichment activity of uranium at an underground nuclear facility at the Board of Directors of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

IAEA dispatched high-ranking officials to Iran for nuclear development issue and discussed at 5:50 on November 22


IAEA = The International Atomic Energy Agency's board of directors discussed Iran's start of uranium enrichment activities at an underground nuclear facility and the problem of detecting natural uranium from undeclared facilities. Dispatched and made it clear that the Iranian side would consult.

The IAEA headquartered in Vienna held a board meeting on the 21st to discuss Iran's nuclear development issues.

Among them, IAEA Deputy Secretary-General Feruta was used to start Iran's enrichment of uranium, which was prohibited by the nuclear agreement, and to extract plutonium at a nuclear facility in central Foldu this month. The amount of heavy water that may be generated has been confirmed to have exceeded the provisions restricted by the nuclear agreement.

Furthermore, IAEA senior officials and experts pointed out that next week, Iran has pointed out that sufficient information has not yet been provided due to the problem of detecting trace amounts of natural uranium from domestic facilities that have not been reported to IAEA. He sent a team and showed the idea of ​​discussing with the Iranian side.

Deputy Secretary General Feluta held a press conference, stating that “time and full Iranian cooperation are important” and urged Iran to be accountable promptly.

At the board meeting, American ambassadors accused "Iran has deceived us before" and the EU representatives also expressed strong concern. Has increased further.

Ambassador of Iran

Iran's Ambassador Garibu Abadi strongly accused the United States of unilaterally leaving the nuclear agreement and imposing economic sanctions on Iran that caused the current situation.

As for the problem of detecting natural uranium from domestic facilities not declared to IAEA, “Iran has shown cooperation and transparency to IAEA and has allowed inspections and samples. Iran and Iran are in the middle of cooperation, and we should avoid making early conclusions on this matter. '' did.