Teller Report

Family dramas and universal tragedies: which films were released this week

11/21/2019, 7:40:45 PM

This weekend, in theaters, there will be two important domestic releases: the post-apocalyptic blockbuster “Outpost” and the comedy “Kinotavr” winner called “Let's divorce!”. Also among the premieres of the week are the full-length sequel to the Downton Abbey series, the Russian film with biblical and philosophical motifs The Blood, and the Little Joe festival science fiction. Horror buffs will be able to watch the Countdown horror, and music lovers will probably be interested in a documentary about the British band Depeche Mode.


A week after the release of Epidemic, another Russian film on the apocalypse is released - a joint work between director Yegor Baranov (Gogol, Sparta) and screenwriter Ilya Kulikov (Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone) Outpost. According to the plot of the picture, 99.5% of the world's population dies overnight for unknown reasons. Only people who were in the so-called "circle of life", including part of the territory of Russia (including Moscow) and some neighboring states, can be saved.

Survivors gather an army and begin the search for the enemy. Outposts are being built as part of the operation, one of which meets the four main characters performed by Pyotr Fedorov, Svetlana Ivanova, Lukery Ilyashenko and Alexei Chadov.

Linkin Park founder Mike Shinoda accepted the film soundtrack: he recorded the fine song specially for the release of the tape. He spoke about it in an interview with RT.

Read more about the film in the material RT.

Downton Abbey

The series about the busy life of English aristocrats and their servants for more than five years of broadcasting has collected a lot of awards and - more importantly - won the favor of critics and the audience. Now the creators of the project invite viewers to watch the new adventures of the inhabitants of the castle in a full-length sequel.

The starting point of the plot is a visit to Downton by the king and queen of Great Britain. Against this background, social contradictions become apparent, the problem of a change of epochs comes to light: the servants criticize the monarchy, challenge their status, and the owners of the castle think about the feasibility of maintaining a family estate - now their aristocratic friends are choosing a modest lifestyle and selling estates.

Read more about the film in the material RT.

Let's get divorced!

Divorce, as a rule, is a sad event, but the director and screenwriter Anna Parmas beat this painful topic in a positive and even comic way. In the debut full-length work, Parmas tells how Masha, who successfully built a doctor’s career, missed family happiness: the heroine did not have enough time for her children and husband, why the latter moved away and started a mistress.

Nevertheless, the end of the marriage becomes the beginning of something new for Masha. The heroine reconsiders life priorities, learns to accept her emotions and makes contact with children.

Anna Mikhalkova, Anton Filippenko and Anna Kamynina starred in the film. The tape was presented in the competition of the past "Kinotavr", where it took away awards for the best script and directorial debut, and also received an audience prize.

More information about the tape - in the material RT.


Quinn's circle is discussing a new application that invites users to find out the date of their own death. While everyone is happy that they have half a century in reserve for each, the main heroine of the smartphone predicts death in three days. It is impossible to write off an ominous warning for a stupid joke: eyewitnesses say that predictions come true to the nearest second - and the first victims have already appeared.

From this point on, Quinn is chased by scary clawed creatures. The classic team for films of this kind will try to help her change her fate - a handsome man who should die first, a computer genius and a defenseless little sister.

Little Joe

The botanist Alice (Emily Beecham) managed to bring out a completely new kind of flower. The plant, named after “Baby Joe” in honor of her son, has an amazing ability to save from depression. One copy of the heroine takes home, but an unusual pet does not bring her happiness. It seems that it is precisely because of the “baby” that Alice spoils relations with her son (Keith Connor), who intends to move to his father, who has long left them.

It soon turns out that the flower subjugates the will of people who breathed its pollen, and he wants only one thing - to take root all over the planet.

For the main role in the film, Emily Beach was awarded the Golden Palm Branch of the Cannes Film Festival.


The “blood” of the director Artyom Temnikov is not a fighter, as one might guess from the name, but a measured and sad story about two brothers. In childhood, Vadim and Valera played the “War of the Worlds”, pretended to be complete opposites, and childhood fantasies predetermined their life for years to come. Brothers seem to exist in different universes: if Valera is an unsuccessful artist, then Vadim is a successful businessman, a favorite of parents, a ladies man.

On the example of the history of heroes, the creators of the tape argue on the topics of growing up, the strength of family ties, the confrontation of a big city and a province. And the director considers Vadim and Valera the modern embodiment of the biblical characters of Cain and Abel.

Depeche Mode: Spirits in the Forest

The best soundtrack of the week, perhaps, will sound in a documentary about the British band Depeche Mode. On July 25, 2018, in a huge crowd at a concert in Berlin, you could meet four fans of the collective, whose stories became the basis of the plot of the tape. The music of the beloved group helped some survive through difficult times, but for some it remained the only memory of their former life after losing memory.

The filmmakers tried to show that Depeche Mode brings together representatives of different generations, religions and nationalities. The distributors also decided to combine cinema viewers: in Russia and most other countries, the tape will be shown only one day, November 21.